Well lately the offshore conditons on the Northern Rivers have been pretty ordinary with the recent rain and severe winds, but on Saturday the wind has eased and a clear window of oppurtunity to tackle some offshore fish.
Launching the boat at Woody Head around 6am, we made our way to some waypoints we had saved where we find quite a bit of bait for livies. No luck with catching any livebait so we ended up trolling out into Shark Bay where a few boats had gathered under a group of birds.
Motoring over there we discovered there were fish busting up some whitebait, which the birds were hovering over.
Casting around raider style slugs past the busting up fish which readily scoffed down our offerings and the fish ended up being Spotted Mackeral all larger
than 70cm long, bigger than the fish we encountered the previous trip.
After about 2hrs of chasing the schools of fish we had bagged out and decided to head back home, a great morning fishing with 10 mackeral greater than 70cm each and the largest at 90cm.